The Current Board, elected in October 2023 is:
President: Joe Bellacosa
Vice-President: Scott Gamertsfelder
Treasurer: Randy Perry
Secretary: Nancy Bellacosa
Many inquiries have been made of what the POA mission consists of. Here is a brief history:
Since there may be only few people who are reading this that was part of the original POA, let's get everyone up to speed a bit. Approximately 20 years ago, when there were only a small handful of homes in this general area we know as "Double Knob", there was no POA or anyone formally investing in the roads. Many of the roads on the mountain were cut by various developers with plans to build many of the cabins we all live in today.
Traffic was increasing on Big Ben and Gobbler Knob and often the roads were inaccessible in the spring during mud season. Only a few people braved the environment to live here full time... most realized that there would be times that they simply could not get to their mountain cabin without hiking in.
Hence, several property owners got together and started collecting money to buy a few truckloads of gravel for Big Ben so people might get through the biggest sections of deep mud. They decided that in order to serve as many contributors as possible, they would try to make passable, the first 1.1 miles of Big Ben from Boardtown, 3/10ths of a mile up Gobbler Knob and 3/10ths of a mile on Big Ben beyond Gobbler toward Highland. This grassroots effort grew, an LLC was formed and for nearly 20 years it is now what we know today as the Double Knob POA. The"Road Committee" has been working diligently to continue to improve the roads and keep them as smooth and safe as possible. For those who have been here for 15 or 20 years, the resounding sentiment is, "The roads are soooo much better than they used to be". Our goal is to make that drive to your happy place as smooth and safe as possible.
The POA uses Marek Bass Grading on an as-needed basis to maintain the roads that fall under our charter. Please know that Marek has been a phenomenal resource for us and, with very few exceptions, been here when we ask him to be here. Resources are limited in this rural environment so we have to maintain those good relationships that we have.
Reality is that these roads are part of the character of Double Knob. When you decided to buy property here on Double Knob, these roads were most likely as bumpy then as they are today. There has never been a plan to gate the community or pave the roads. In that, although we are working hard to make the roads as smooth as possible, we realize that these roads are not always going to work for everyone.
Roads aside, we all moved here because Double Knob was something special. We have always been a community that watches out for each other, takes care of each other, respects each other and treats our neighbors with kindness and a smile. Yes, the mountain has grown and times do change but let's all please do what we can to try to hold on to what drew us all here to begin with. Be nice to your neighbors.
In closing, this Board consists of all full-time residents. They drive these roads every day. We know when the road needs work and we do the best we can to coordinate and schedule that work around those external factors (Mother Nature, construction vehicles, big rental weekends etc).
A little bit of life on Double Knob...
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