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FY2025 Road Plan


Following is a proposed plan and budget to address continued maintenance efforts on Big Ben and Gobbler Knob Roads. During FY2024, the Big Ben roadway has been graded and over coated with Crusher Run and M-10 Fine Mix on an as-needed basis with particular attention on several problem areas. Record FY2024 Property Owner Contributions allowed higher than normal expenditures on road maintenance. The problem areas that were identified in last year’s plan were addressed at the same time normal ‘touch-up’ maintenance was conducted on a regular basis.

One of the ongoing problematic areas is the first few hundred yards of Big Ben beginning at the mailboxes at the intersection at Boardtown Road. Rock distribution and grading using the Crusher Run/M-10 method of this area does not last as long as these methods do on the remaining portions of Big Ben. The consensus reason is that most drivers do not slow down in anticipation of the transition from asphalt on Boardtown to dirt/gravel on Big Ben. Forward-going we will seek a proposal to deploy asphalt millings for this problem area and install speed bumps prior to a transition to the dirt/gravel section.


FY2024 Activity Highlights


During this past year, the POA spent approximately $24,675 grading and distributing rock on 1.5 miles of Big Ben Road. In order to prevent road erosion and to prevent downhill erosion into neighboring property, the culvert on Big Ben Rd at the hairpin turn end of POA maintenance was replaced. Labor and material cost for this culvert was $4,000. The drainage ditches and culverts on Gobbler & Big Ben were excavated and cleaned out at a cost of $3,100. In addition to Big Ben grading, $2,900 was spent on asphalt patching of Gobbler Knob Road and $2,900 on brush and downed tree removal on Big Ben and Gobbler after severe storm activity.



FY2025 Plan


​Using a 5-6 week maintenance schedule, we can estimate 8-10 visits from Marek Bass Construction for the 2025 fiscal year. Conservatively, we’re using an 80% projection of FY2024 record contributions for FY2025 budgeting, approximately $32,000 would be added to the POA checking account reserve. This would give the POA working capital of approximately $52,000 for FY2025. A conservative estimate of maintenance visits at $2,000 per visit gives a $16-20,000 projection for Road Maintenance. Big Ben and Gobbler are due for Bush-hog brush cutting with a cost estimate of $3,000. Continued maintenance of the tar-and-chip surface of Gobbler Knob is projected to cost approximately $2,000. A ballpark amount of $10,000 is estimated for the Big Ben Asphalt Milling Project. Once a proposal for the project is received, a revised projection of Road Maintenance costs will be provided.



FY2025 Projected Road Budget​



FY2025 Projected Capital               $ 52,000


Projected Expenses

  • Big Ben Road Maintenance            $  20,000

  • Brush Cutting                                   $   3,000

  • Gobbler Knob Maintenance           $   2,000

  • Big Ben Asphalt Milling (est.)          $ 10,000

                     Total Projected Expenses                  $ 35,000


Projected Surplus                            $ 17,000















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